Reveal Security Issues in your Most Critical Systems
OPC UA security scanner
- From download to testing report in <5min
- State of the art security, even with zero OPC UA knowledge
- Say goodbye to unactionable results - clear prioritization & fixing plan

Lassi Korhonen
white hat hacker

OpalOPC saves me time and effort by automating OPC security tests. It’s easy to use and doesn’t require any OPC-specific knowledge, so it’s a no-brainer for OT security assessments.
Ensure your protection.
Save time and effort.

Unbeatable coverage
Unique and ever-evolving set of security tests that put you to the forefront of OPC UA security assessments and keep you there.

Headless Security
Use any feature of OpalOPC from the comfort of your terminal. Automate scans with scripts and integrate them to your CI/CD pipelines.

Integrate with Ease
Scan reports are machine readable and let you ingest them into your other systems. Be it vulnerability management system or report aggregator, the world is your oyster.

Blazing Fast
Get results fast. OpalOPC is capable of scanning single targets in seconds and hundreds of servers in a couple of minutes.

Intuitive With Powerful Defaults
No tiring configuration just to get any results. The defaults are incredibly effective. Just aim at a target and fire. Configuration still available for advanced users.

Simple & Easy To Understand Report
See the security posture of your OPC UA servers at a single glance. OpalOPC ranks the findings for you and provides instructions for fixing them.
Launch your first Security Scan now.
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