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CLI Command Reference

Opal OPC 5.0.0 ( )
Usage: opalopc [Options] [Target ...]
-i, --input-file=VALUE input targets from list of discovery uris
-o, --output=VALUE base name for output reports
-v increase verbosity (can be specified up to 2 times)
-h, --help show this message and exit
-l, --login-credential=VALUE
username:password for user authentication
-b, --brute-force-credential=VALUE
username:password for brute force attack
-L, --login-credential-file=VALUE
import list of username:password for
authentication from file
-B, --brute-force-credential-file=VALUE
import list of username:password for brute force
attack from file
-c, --user-certificate-and-privatekey=VALUE
path-to-certificate:path-to-privatekey for user
-a, --application-certificate-and-privatekey=VALUE
path-to-certificate:path-to-privatekey for
application authentication
-d, --discovery discover targets on network through mDNS and exit
--version show version and exit

Positional arguments


Specify one or more target URIs.

If target URI points to a server, all its endpoints will be scanned.

If target URI points to a Local Discovery Server (LDS) or Global Discovery Server (GDS), all endpoints listed in them will be scanned.

Currently only ocp.tcp scheme is supported.

OPC URL format


-i, --input-file=VALUE

Specify a file to read OPC UA Discovery URIs from. The file shall have one URI per line. The special value - causes URIs to be read from stdin.

-o, --output=VALUE

Provide a base filename for output reports. If not specified, OpalOPC will generate it automatically. The base name is used to create an HTML report (.html) and a SARIF scanning report (.sarif).


Increase output verbosity. Can be specified multiple times to further increase it. Currently the maximum verbosity is reached by using this flag 2 times.

-h, --help

Show help message and exit.

-l, --login-credetial=VALUE

Specify a single username:password for user authentication. Can be specified multiple times to add multiple credentials.

-b, --brute-force-credential=VALUE

Specify a single username:password for user authentication brute force attack. Can be specified multiple times to add multiple credentials.

-L, --login-credential-file=VALUE

Specify a file to read multiple username:password from for user authentication. The file shall have one credential per line.

-B, --brute-force-credential-file=VALUE

Specify a file to read multiple username:password from for user authentication brute force attack. The file shall have one credential per line.

-c, --user-certificate-and-privatekey=VALUE

Specify path-to-certificate:path-to-privatekey for user authentication. The files shall be in PEM format. Can be specified multiple times to add multiple credentials.

-a, --application-certificate-and-privatekey=VALUE

Specify path-to-certificate:path-to-privatekey for application authentication. The files shall be in PEM format. Can be specified multiple times to add multiple credentials.

-d, --discovery

Run network discovery through mDNS and exit. Prints discovered OPC UA Discovery URLs to stdout.


Show version and exit.


Scan single DiscoveryUrl for OPC UA applications

opalopc opc.tcp://

Scan 2 DiscoveryUrls

opalopc opc.tcp://echo:53530 opc.tcp://foxtrot:48010

Scan all DiscoveryUrls in file, produce report with custom name

opalopc -i discoveryuris.txt -o vulnerability-report

Read targets from stdin and scan them

opalopc -i -

Scan with application certificate and credential pair

opalopc -a /tmp/certificate.pem:/tmp/privkey.pem -l opcadmin:v3rys3cr3t123! opc.tcp://

Discover targets on network

opalopc -d

Debug output

opalopc -v opc.tcp://

Trace output (most detailed)

opalopc -vv opc.tcp://