๐๏ธ Anonymous authentication
The server resources can be accessed anonymously.
๐๏ธ Auditing disabled
The server is not tracking activities.
๐๏ธ Brute Force
Brute Force attack was successful against the server.
๐๏ธ Common credentials
The server can be accessed using well-known credentials.
๐๏ธ Invalid Server Certificate
The server certificate is invalid.
๐๏ธ Known vulnerability
The server contains known vulnerabilities.
๐๏ธ RBAC not supported
All identities have same level of access on the server.
๐๏ธ Security mode invalid
The server message security mode is invalid.
๐๏ธ Security mode none
Server traffic can be intercepted and modified on the fly.
๐๏ธ Security policy Basic128Rsa15
Server traffic encryption in risk to be broken.
๐๏ธ Security policy Basic256
Server traffic encryption in risk to be broken.
๐๏ธ Security policy None
The server can be accessed using unauthorized applications.
๐๏ธ Self signed certificate
The server can be accessed using unauthorized applications.
๐๏ธ Self signed user certificate
The server can be accessed using unauthorized users.
๐๏ธ Server Certificate
Server certificate.
๐๏ธ ServerStatus
Server status.
๐๏ธ User-provided credentials
The server allows access using user-provided credentials.